Art, Luxury, and Leadership: the extraordinary path of Caroline Caprio

Caroline Caprio is not only an important professional from Connecticut and the New York City Metropolitan Area in the United States, but she is also a woman and a mother with a very important story behind her. I won’t deny that given her education and biography, I was struck by some aspects, human and professional, that have led her today to be the Vice President of Monarch Estate Services LLC, a world-leading company in real estate management specializing in luxury properties and luxury lifestyle management for ultra high net worth individuals. One of the aspects that struck me very much is the affinity with the world of art. Caroline Caprio combines her life with the world of beauty, style and luxury. But where did the love for art and its expertise in this sector begin? I had the opportunity and honor to interview her exclusively.

I confess that when reading your story, I was also very impressed by your experience in the Gulf War with the United States Navy. What did you remember from that experience?”

Caroline Caprio
Caroline Caprio

During the Gulf War, I was selected to be a Presidential Honor Guard and was stationed in Washington, D.C. My journey in the U.S Navy is one that has left an indelible mark on my life. I vividly recall the initial culture shock upon entering the Navy, where the transition from civilian life to the highly structured world of military service was both jarring and transformative. The daily routines, the precision, and the discipline required were unlike anything I had experienced before, and yet, they quickly became the backbone of our existence as military personnel. Boot Camp was a crucible of hard work, trials, and tribulations, where the intense environment pushed us all to our limits. Yet, amidst the grueling training, I found something unexpected—genuine connections with my fellow soldiers. In those early weeks, we were all grappling with the same doubts and questions, trying to make sense of why we had chosen to join the Navy. But as time went on, those doubts gave way to a sense of purpose. We began to support one another, laugh together, cry together, and ultimately, push each other to become the very best versions of ourselves.

In retrospect, I believe the true purpose of the military is to break you down to your lowest point so that you can be raised up again, stronger and more resilient than ever before. Each accomplishment during that time brought us closer to our greatest potential, and when we finally graduated, the pride we felt was immeasurable. The friendships forged in that environment will never be forgotten, nor will the camaraderie that bound us together. My military experience taught me the invaluable lesson that teamwork is everything, a principle that has stayed with me throughout my life and career. It instilled in me a deep sense of discipline and a fortified mindset, showing me that every obstacle has a path to resolution and success. Serving under President Bill Clinton as a Presidential Honor Guard in Washington, D.C., was an honor that I will carry with me forever. Living in our nation’s capital, representing our country, and standing guard over its highest office was both a privilege and an unforgettable experience. The lessons I learned during that time continue to guide me in all my present and future endeavors.



“Caroline, you then worked in public relations and marketing for very important international companies. This was a step that led you to the extremely important role you hold today with Monarch Estate Services LLC. What role does the company play today in the international real estate market?”

 At Monarch Estate Services, we are all about providing top-tier services that truly cater to the needs of our affluent clients, both in managing their luxury properties and enhancing and adding value to their lifestyles. My background in public relations and marketing with international companies truly prepared me for what I do now as Vice President here. We operate in two main areas: property management and lifestyle management and concierge. On the property management side, we specialize in single-family luxury estates, making sure everything runs smoothly so our clients can enjoy their homes without the hassle. Thanks to our global network of vendors and providers, we offer a wide range of services that give our clients peace of mind, whether they own one estate or several around the world. On the lifestyle side, our lifestyle concierge division steps in to handle everything from private jet and yacht charters to creating unique travel experiences and fulfilling any other requests our clients have. It’s all about giving them the freedom to enjoy life without worrying about the details. We also utilize an app that keeps everything connected. Our clients can submit their requests, and we handle communication with vendors and our clients in real time, ensuring everything is transparent and up-to-date. Great communication and transparency are key for us, especially when working globally.

Private jet and black car waiting on landing strip in airport


Art and beauty are synonymous with elegance and style, I believe that these are the characteristics that differentiate and identify you as a woman and as a professional. Do you think you can bring your professionalism to Europe soon, or maybe to Italy?”

Absolutely, yes! Europe, and especially Italy, holds a very special place in my heart for many reasons. Italy is my family’s homeland, and my mother came to the United States from Italy when she was just 13 years old. She was incredibly talented and dedicated, eventually becoming an entrepreneur in the design field. Her deep love for opera, classical music, and the arts was instilled in me from a very young age. She passed away this past March, and she remains the most influential person in my life. Carrying on her legacy is a personal mission for me, and I am deeply committed to establishing a strong footprint for our company in Europe, starting with Italy. We’re already making strides in building wonderful relationships within the industry there. To me, success isn’t just measured by financial achievements, but by the relationships we cultivate with people who inspire us and the passion we bring to our work. Bringing my professionalism to Europe feels like a natural and heartfelt step, honoring both my roots and my vision for the future. And speaking of my passions, I also have a wonderful new venture that I am working on called Maison de Luxe Atelier. I will specialize in high-end home furnishings and accessories, global luxury brands, and carefully curated art.

Private Yachts: Embark on a voyage aboard a private yacht, sailing through crystal-clear waters and enjoying the ultimate in luxury travel.


“Finally, a curiosity, who are your favorite artists?”

 I could talk about art for days, but if I had to pick, I would say I am particularly drawn to the Impressionist and Post-Impressionist works of Monet, Renoir, Degas, Cézanne, and van Gogh. Their ability to capture light and emotion really speaks to me. I’m also captivated by the Renaissance era, especially artists like Raphael, da Vinci, Titian, Michelangelo, and Botticelli. There’s something about their mastery of the human form that I find incredibly inspiring. And when it comes to sculpture, Rodin and Antonio Canova are at the top of my list—they bring such life and movement to their work.

This property includes a gourmet kitchen, a formal dining room, and multiple living areas. The outdoor space features a swimming pool, a tennis court, and beautifully landscaped gardens


“Thank you Caroline Caprio for your words, thank you for this interview, and in closing, I ask you to provide me with the site where all readers of this article can find news on Monarch Estate Services.”

 Thank you so much for the opportunity to share my story and insights on your beautiful platform. It is an honor to introduce myself and our company to Europe. For more information and to explore our services, visit us online at


 I wish you the best. Alberto Moioli.

Art, Luxury, and Leadership: The Extraordinary Path of Caroline Caprio


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